Tasks | New Task
creates new task.
Tasks | Save Task
saves the task.
Tasks | Delete Tasks
deletes the task.
Tasks | Do Task
executes teh task.
Tasks | Highest Priority
sets the highest priority for the task.
Tasks | #1 Priority
sets the #1 priority for the task.
Tasks | #2 Priority
sets the #2 priority for the task.
Tasks | #3 Priority
sets the #3 priority for the task.
Tasks | Low Priority
sets the low priority for the task.
Tasks | Rotate Priority [Ctrl+Num*]
rotates the task priority.
Tasks | Prepare
sets the prepare state for the task.
Tasks | At work
sets the AtWork state for the task.
Tasks | Mute
sets the Mute state for the task.
Tasks | Terminate
sets the Terminate state for the task.
Tasks | Undone
sets the Undone state for the task.
Tasks | Delegated
sets the Delegated state for the task.
Tasks | Delayed
sets the Delayed state for the task.
Tasks | Rotate State
rotates the task state.
Tasks | Remind Off/On
sets the task remind flag on/off.
Tasks | Set to do flag
sets the task do flag on/off.
Tasks | To upper case
converts the task content to upper case.
Tasks | To lower case
converts the task content to lower case.